Lavonia Rural Zone
Since its creation in 2017, this initiative has provided tax credits to individuals creating jobs and making qualifying investments within historic downtown areas that have been designated as Rural Zones. Each designation lasts for five years, and activities to begin earning tax credits in Lavonia began on Jan. 1, 2022.
The program includes the following Georgia state income tax incentives which are utilized for job-creation activities, investment in downtown properties, and renovation of properties. The credits can be layered, but none are available without the job creation element being present.
The Job Tax Credit is equivalent to $2,000 per year for each new full-time equivalent job for up to 5 years. The Investment Credit is equivalent to 25% of the purchase price of a property within the designated Rural Zone (not to exceed $125,000). The Rehabilitation Credit is equivalent to 30% of the qualified rehabilitation costs of a building located within a designated Rural Zone (not to exceed $150,000).
For more information about Lavonia's Rural Zone, please contact the Downtown Development Authority at 706-356-1926 or dda@lavoniaga.gov